Leonard Mauss is a conceptual artist.

His work is all about floating.

Yeah, Bubbling Everything

Theses Bubbles are perfect floaters.
Well, okay, who's perfect?
In this imperfect world.
But they become intensive floaters.
For you.
Because of you.
Somewhere between color clouds and colour banding

If you really want it.

These Vines were Paintings

Leo is sad about the end of Vine. Because he loved his concept behind his little vids. It is titled: floating on, repeated to transcend. The approach is based on seven principles:

no story
no message
no lifestyle
no nostalgia
no movement
no color
no off

Following them freedom of floating can take place.

Try some Street Floating

Without any given street.
Because some construction are deconstructions.
Leo's deconstructions are two-dimensional.
No Illustion of naturalistic space.
And everything has to be dry.
Exspecially blur.
No wet haze, even if is purple.
Super dry blurification

Take them and make your own streets.

Double Pack for Masterpieces

Color banding obsession.
Meets glitch obsession.
On master pieces of art history.
Colour banding for separating colours from the continuum.
Putting them in a new floating relationship.
In a very flat image.
Floating to the next transformation bei a wonderful glitch.

The transformation of your world proceeds.
Are you one of the designers?